It used to be so nice to feel reasonably safe from the acts of Islamic Terrorists, but that was long ago when Bush Bashing was the national pastime. Now the term Islamic Terrorist is no longer politically acceptable. We are not supposed to say those discredited words while adopting an "Ignore the problem" mentality hoping that evil will go away. Well, I can't ignore it, it hasn't gone away, and I no longer feel safe, but my fear is caused far more by my own corrupt government's action than those mad men of Islam.
Obama has now redirected the efforts of his faithful followers. Bush Bashing is no longer in vogue. Today the favorite past time for the progressives is Clobber the Conservatives. Lie about them, intimidate them, infiltrate their rallies and try to make them look bad, call them Racists, Anarchists and Terrorists. Saul Alinsky and his sidekick Lucifer laid out the game plan and as long as they moved slowly and with not so drama they were making headway. Now it is an all out assault on Liberty and people like myself who were never even interested in politics are joining the fray, and I like it. Not the politics. That is just a tool. What I like is fighting the evil that Obama brought with him.
Since the Chicago Crime Machine set up shop in the nation's capital it is becoming increasingly hard to recognize America. After Obama ascended the throne we were told that this nation is no more exceptional than any other. The man who occupies the oval office tells a lot of lies and that is just one of so very many. We, who are Americans, know better. Whether or not he is an American has yet to be decided in a court of law, the same court of law that made this great Republic so exceptional.
It was in the year 1780 when John Adams coined the phrase "A country of laws, not of men." Americans took that guiding principle to heart and to this day we have not abandoned the concept however it is being taken from us by the current regime who will one day be held accountable for their profuse assaults on our Constitution. Like sheep to the slaughter the members of our Congress and Senate line up to do the biddings of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid triumvirate and on the rare occasion that they falter in their support they are simply ignored, and replaced by an Executive Order. An Executive Order, if you are not familiar with the term, is like a King's Decree. It matters not what you think of the decree but you had better obey it.
The peculiar problem we face is how he continues to gain power while losing public support. That is due to the strategic location of his various agents throughout the federal government. Surprisingly,the biggest violator of our laws is the Department of Justice. With Eric Holder at the helm America's sense of fair play has been discarded in favor of a new racially charged policy designed to punish the white people of America while elevating the criminal element of the black culture and the advocates of militant Islam who want to damage or destroy our nation.
Racism, unfortunately, has been part of this country for many years and for some it will probably continue for many years, but there is one good thing that will come out of this whole Obama nightmare. Black people of good will and White people of good will are coming together in a common cause, that being to take our country back from this Hitler wannabe. When it is all said and done and we once again put the country on the road to a better tomorrow, these people of both races will discover that we have far more in common than we ever imagined.
A prime example of Obama's "I'm in it for me" attitude is the misuse of the Department of Justice in bending and twisting laws for his benefit. Recently a high ranking figure in the DOJ resigned in protest and became a whistle blower when charges against armed New Black Panthers preventing white people from voting. Under Eric Holder's leadership charges were dropped and a new policy of not prosecuting blacks for crimes against Caucasians has been implemented.
Since the vicious attack that this nation suffered on 911 it has become apparent that we need to control our border and put a limit on who is allowed to enter. The man of the oval office totally disregards the safety of the nation in an effort to secure more votes from the illegal element of the country and much of that element crosses our border on a daily basis.
Recently Senator Kyle stated that Obama told him there is to be no control of the border until the Republicans cave in on amnesty. Later the Senator changed that statement to an all inclusive "THEY" want this policy in force. Take a look at policy at the border and it matters not if Obama gave the order to do nothing or just refuses to give the order to do something. The results are the same. Everyday thousands of illegal aliens, drug smugglers, and radical terrorists cross large areas of unmonitored border. Can it be stopped? YES. Will it be stopped? No. As long as Obama thinks he can get more criminals into the country to vote for him the border will be a gateway and he should probably put up a flashing "Welcome" sign and a rest stop...All at taxpayer expense of course.
America, if you want to see what tomorrow would look like under the Obama regime watch Fox News and see for yourself. The future under this man will be a combination of the economically inspired riots of Greece and the drug lords doing here what they are now doing in Mexico. Add to that our standard of living dropping to almost match that of the poor people of Mexico because the man elected to this high office is destroying our middle class.
At the moment the drug dealers have occupied eighty miles of Arizona and it seems that the Obama political machine is going to cede that part of the United States to a group of crime lords. The Governor and lawmakers of the state of Arizona are opposing this invasion of their territory. In an effort to protect their people they have passed a state law prohibiting the illegal immigrants from remaining there and, contrary to the blessings John Adams bequeathed us, this is no longer a land of laws. It worked for all of Obama's predecessors but the laws of the country mean no more to him than does our Constitution which, according to him, is flawed. Actually I think it is the closest thing to perfection ever written down. Obama, on the other hand, is an excellent example of "Flawed."
An odd phenomenon today is sanctuary cities where illegal aliens of any country seek and receive sanctuary from the people and local government. In short, even though they are violating this nation's laws these cities protect and comfort them. The Obama faction grow panicky as public opinion turns against them for since 2008 eight percent less people will admit to being Democrats. Those still supporting him is a mere 46 percent and dropping. Fifty four percent of the American public want the DOJ to take legal action against these rogue cities while 61% want all federal funding cut off to them. There naturally is and always will be 30% solidly in Obama's corner. This is the socialist/progressive/communist element that always support anything that hurts America.
The gap is widening between Obama and the American people. On one side there is what should be done and what the American people in general want done. On the other side is Obama and Eric Holder using every legal trick in the book to bypass, the people, the law and the Constitution.
The sovereign state of Arizona is now being impeded in an effort to enforce federal laws that the federal government will not enforce, and are being sued to prevent a state law from stopping the massive inflow of illegals that cross into Arizona. Jan Brewer, governor of Arizona should be applauded in her efforts to secure the state border, instead she is under attack by the DOJ and Obama's minions who reign in federal courts.
President Lincoln went to his grave convinced that never again would the word "Secede" be put forth as a desirable action by any state in this nation. But that word from the past is waiting patiently in the shadows, sensing another looming event encouraged by a man who would be "President of all the people." With so many promises broken, lies told, and convoluted hatred turned on the champions of Liberty things are changing at an alarming rate.
The anointed one has heard the same thing we all have. A few months ago many of the citizens of Texas were using the "S" word and now it is in Arizona. Those advocating secession base their views on the Constitution. It is a contract between the Federal Government and the States and the people of those states. Obama believes that a "flawed" constitution should be totally ignored. One of his judges struck down four parts of Arizona's law that was designed to protect them. Secession advocates in Arizona have the idea that Obama has violated the agreements between the Federal and state governments recorded in the Constitution and they have the right to excuse themselves and ignore the crime lords of Washington.
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Every promise he ever made has been broken, C Span, transparency, no new taxes, no more lobbyists, the list goes on and on. The last time I looked in the dictionary, one of the definitions of "Oath" was "Promise" and that is another broken promise, for he took an oath vowing to protect the Constitution and since taking that oath has done everything he can to render it useless. Nancy Pelosi actually laughed aloud when asked where in the Constitution could be found justification for forcing health care on the American people. Every law he passes is a two sided knife and in the case of health care he made exclusions for Muslims. They are not required to participate, and then then special deals for the Unions. It is hard to believe that any honest American can still support this power grabbing ego maniac.
These methods that the Chicago Crime Machine use are old and well tested. They date back to the time of Al Capone and here in the 21st century they have been dusted off and made to look politically correct. I am not the only American that grows weary of this nonsense, there are millions. They have settled on Washington, said what they came to say, cleaned the area up and moved on. Soon they will be back, with even more to say and counting the days until November.
The primary problem that Americans have with Obama is culpability. We expect him to do what is right for this country. That is what he promised and that is what he was elected to do. The problem is like with everything else, promises and actions are at opposite ends of the spectrum. On any issue Obama is involved with he looks for what is good for him, the Democratic Party and his union allies. His interest in helping the nation is non existent. He behaves like someone on a bank robbing spree, never thinking that sooner or later he will walk into the wrong bank and get a Go straight to jail card.
Now it has been discovered that one of the Obama/Holder policies is to encourage states to delay sending absentee votes to the military while promoting the idea of felons voting. The reason: The men and women serving in the military love this country or they would not be laying their lives on the line in the war on terror. The problem is, from Obama's view point, that those who love this country are not going to vote for a man who is disassembling it and so he would prefer that the military absentee ballots arrive too late to be counted. The felons, that the DOJ support are expected to vote Democratic and re-elect the transformer of nations.
All through Obama'a campaign he spoke of "Leveling the playing field." Nothing of the sort has happened. In fact he has totally disregarded fairness in an effort to restrict the vote of those with conservative values. A mass "Amnesty" for illegal immigrants would be in violation of the laws of the land and yet those laws matter not to him. His only concern is VOTES and he does not care from where he gets them.
There MUST be a day of reckoning for those who violate our laws and disregard the Constitution. It has been common place to give a political criminal a "slap on the wrist" and that must end. They have for far too long remained aloof and above the laws they write for us to obey and yet when they break their own laws the punishment is usually resignation and censure and collecting a pension for the duration of a political criminal's lifetime. They have written themselves a benefit package that far exceeds what a taxpayer can hope for in the working world and it is paid for at the expense of those who must budget their income to allow for all necessities.
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Let us as Americans come together with a common purpose. End these ridiculous pension plans and benefits for those who have broken the law. It is time to stop slapping their wrists. It may take years to root out all of the criminal element that now inhabits Washington DC but as John Adams said, "A country of laws not of men." They need to be held accountable and brought to justice and if it requires building a new prison to house them that would be alright with me. Besides Obama tells us that he wants to create jobs for Americans. Building prisons to put his friends in will accomplish that.
It is NOW time for Americans who are interested in bringing their country back to the Constitution and join you local Tea Party in your area. We are not going to make a difference without your input and help:
Wall Street & business's wouldn't be inching up like reported if the American people new this. They are being played like dummies and being fleeced at the same time and here is why: