Sunday, September 19, 2010


This will undoubtedly be the shortest post that I have ever published, but the fact of the matter is that this is but part one. This must be released now and I fully expect it to go totally viral. The following information was released to our liberal press and I have seen no sign that they have done their patriotic duty and reported to the American Public.

The following report was released the by The Center For Security Policy. It is a  report dealing with the imminent danger that faces this nation.  Political Correctness has, until this time, prevented a hue and outcry from the American people to return to sanity and American values. It is time to put Political Correctness aside and defend this nation while we yet have a nation to defend. As Ronald Reagan said, "It is not only our right to protect ourselves, it is our duty."

This report is somewhat awkward to read as it was released as photo images of the book produced by The Center For Security Policy, rather than in data form that could be more easily manipulated. Since it is in photo images you must scroll down the pages to view individual pages and you may need to use your Ctrl key and the + or - signs to adjust the size to a comfortable viewing level.

The Center For Security Policy consists of Generals, Admirals, ex Secretaries of Defense, Ex Ambassadors, A previous chief of the CIA, University Presidents and the list goes on and on. Once you open the link and image the front cover of the book you will see an Introduction and then a list of the people involved in the extensive search that went into the preparation of this revealing and frightening book. As is normal in any book there will be several blank pages at this point. Keep scrolling.

Just a quick glance at the contents will give you an indication about the serious nature of what is contained therein. Before you even get to the book at, all there is a shocking statement in the opening to this release. This states without a doubt that high ranking officials are concerned that there are those in the White House helping to promote the agenda of Al Qaeda. This message is delivered by none other than Frank Gaffney, who is head of the Center For Security Policy.

Many have implied a complicity between the White House and Islamic Extremists. This statement by Mister Gaffney and the book they have prepared, would seem to indicate that this belief is not confined to the lunatic fringe of America, but is seriously under consideration by some of the finest minds that America has to offer.


September 15, 2010Shariah a threat to US, security pros report sayA group of high-ranking Democrat and Republican intelligence, military and national security officials are set to release a report today, "Shariah: The Threat to America", at a press conference on Capitol Hill this afternoon. Included in the group is former CIA Director James Woolsey, former DIA director Lt. Gen. Harry Soyster, former Defense Undersecretary for Intelligence Lt Gen. Jerry Boykin and former Clinton federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy.

Here's a sneek peek from Bill Gertz at the Washington Times:Frank Gaffney, director of the Center for Security Policy, said the Obama administration's policy is based on an incorrect assumption. The Team B report seeks to expose flaws in anti-terror programs, including the policy of not referring to al Qaeda and similar groups as "Islamist" to avoid offending Muslims, he said."What if it turns out that some of the people the Obama administration has been embracing are actually promoting the same totalitarian ideology and seditious agenda as al Qaeda, only they're doing it from White House Iftar dinners?" said Mr. Gaffney, referring to the daily meal eaten by Muslims to break their fast during Ramadan

The group of experts was modeled after the official CIA Team B, whose 1976 contrary analysis said U.S. intelligence assessments had underestimated Soviet nuclear forces. That Team B report led to the military buildup under the Reagan administration.John Brennan, deputy White House national security adviser for counterterrorism, told The Washington Times in June that he disagrees that "there is an Islamic dimension to terrorism."The administration's policy of not using the word Islam and its derivatives to describe today's fundamentalist terrorists is aimed at "not according these individuals any religious legitimacy," he said


  1. The Four Stages of Islamic Conquest that will bring your country to Islamic rule in the end:



    Understand this and be very vigilant America because it is now happening before our eyes:!

    Here are the 4 stages of Islamic Conquest of a host Nation: America...........wake up!

    Muslims "Mark their Conquests" just like dogs do with urine:

    It is now in America............Sharia Law. Will YOU allow this to happen where you live?
    Here is what is going to happen to the United States very soon as it is already happening in France, Germany, Sweeden, Finland and many more countries.

    This is now happening in Europe and will repeat itself in America:

    Wake up America before it is to late. Our immigration laws need to be changed "immediately" the the internal problem "corrected"!

  2. Mister Salad,
    Here's betting that she does no jail time!

  3. Parties, booze, beer, women, men kissing "each other" seems to be the norm with Muslims around the world behind closed doors. Oh, Allah, how does it feel to have your own being the biggest hypocrites in the world while denouncing all other religions? You hypocritical bastards!

    .........and this article:
